The 11th installment of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome held last weekend delivered portentous blessings beyond the ordinary and such inspiring changes in the bodies, health, estates, and affairs of all connected to the services that to date, the world is still buzzing with thanksgiving. As foretold by the man of God, Pastor Chris,the earth indeed shook in the realms of the Spirit as the joy of many rose in a symphony of surging tributes to God.
Translated into 8,133 languages and 930 dialects on earth, the program saw over seven billion people unanimously bask in the uplifting truth of the healing gospel of Jesus Christ in their native tongue across millions of connected healing centersglobally. Reported testimonies from the three-day program include, the dead regaining life miraculously, instantaneous healing of spinal injuries, cancers, and myriad afflictions, andhospital wards emptied in several countries as the healing streams of God flowed everywhere.
Throughout the destiny-defining weekend, the fragrance of reverential worship, prayers, and obeisance to God permeated the earth and, wafted to the heavens as participants praised God in, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, led by, the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, Senior Ministers of the Healing School and the Loveworld Singers.
At the grand finale of the program, Rev.Dr. Chris OyakhilomeDSC.DSC.DD concluded his revelational teachings on the divine nature of Jesus Christ, affirming His role as the perfect image of God. He emphasized that understanding God requires divine revelation rather than intellectual or scientific inquiry, and encouraged the global attendees to embrace the divine health offered through Jesus Christ.
Citing several scriptures, he asserted that “Jesus was the only one of a kind when he came to this world. He is the profile of the Father, the image of the invisible God. He is more than a man, Jesus is the exact copy, the perfect imprint of God’s person, essence, and substance. He displayed the works of God to show us the character of God. That’s the evidence of the divine character.
You cannot know God with your erudite mind. You can only know him by revelation. It takes humility to discover him.You cannot calculate God with science or discover him in history, it is only by divine revelation. Without revelation, no man can know Him, because God is a spirit. Serve God with your spirit, and you cannot serve God with your spirit until you are born again! When you believe in Jesus Christ, the question of consciousness ends. When you believe in Jesus Christ, you receive the same life that he has. The life he has given us is more powerful than any infection or disease because the Holy Spirit perambulates your body. He gave you divine health so that you can be healthy all the time. Romans 1:20, Colossians. 1:15, John 14:9, Hebrews 1 vs 2:3, John 1 vs 18, Eph.1:17 (KJV)”
Preparing the expectant audience for the unprecedented miracles that followed, he stated “God’s word is medicine to all your flesh. It is His word that is coming to you right now. As the Word is coming to you, real medicine is entering inside you, and health is entering inside you.
As the liberating realization of the potency of God’s love and power crystallized in the attendees’ hearts, healing virtues gushed and great rejoicing filled the nations. Testimonies are still flowing in as many discovered their healing.
Global Healing Testimonies: Life-Changing Experiences from the 11th Edition of The Healing Streams Live Healing Services:
A mother from Uruguay shares her touching healing journey: “My 2-year-old daughter, Tehilah Okafor, had been struggling with eating. She was extremely picky with food and would barely eat enough, which caused her to wake up every night crying from hunger. It was heartbreaking.
On the first day of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services, after Pastor Chris prayed for us, something incredible happened. That evening, Tehilah ate a large portion of dinner for the first time in ages, and she has continued to eat well ever since. I am immensely grateful to Pastor Chris for his faithfulness and for bringing this healing program to us. It has made a world of difference in our lives. Thank you, Pastor! We love you so much!”
From the Solomon Islands, Pastor Enoka recounts his extraordinary encounter with God’s healing power: “Four years ago, I was diagnosed with pleural effusion, which made breathing extremely difficult and left me feeling weak. I kept this diagnosis a secret, even from my wife. During the Healing Streams program, as Pastor Chris prayed for the sick, I felt an incredible change. I noticed a significant improvement in my breathing—something I hadn’t experienced in years. Now, I breathe easily and feel revitalized. I am thrilled to share my testimony and show my wife that God has healed me beyond what any medical report could reveal. This healing is a testament to the power of faith and prayer.”
In Sweden, Patience shares her experience: “I was plagued by fear, seizures, and strange movements on my face. After Pastor Chris prayed against the spirit of fear on the second day of the healing service, I noticed a profound change. That night, I dreamed of an attack, but I remembered the victorious words declared and woke up without any seizures. I am now free from seizures and experiencing peace.”
In Brazil, Valdicrea’s life was transformed after 10 years of debilitating arthritis: “I suffered from severe arthritis, which made even simple tasks painful. When Pastor Chris prayed for inflammation and pain, I was healed instantly. I now enjoy restored mobility and freedom from medication. Glory to God for this miraculous healing!”

The Miracle Parade Continues: Join the Festival of Miracles on Healing Streams TV.
The extraordinary parade of miracles continues with the Festival of Miracles on Healing Streams TV, running until Sunday, August 11, 2024. Tune in daily at noon to experience full recounts of inspiring testimonies, glorious praise reports, and detailed features on the incredible miracles that took place worldwide during the recent Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.
You can send in your testimonies during the program by emailing testimonies@healingstreams.tv or calling any of these numbers: +234 1 888 5066 (Nigeria), +27 79 967 5852 (South Africa), +44 (0) 333 188 0710 (United Kingdom), +1 289 622 1634 (Canada), +1 832 724 9390 (United States of America).
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to witness the ongoing impact of faith and prayer.
The 11th Edition of the World’s Largest Healing Crusade Concludes with Divine Blessings for Families and Nations
The 11th edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services concluded with a powerful time of prayer led by Pastor Chris. True to his promise, Pastor Chris specifically prayed for families and nations, invoking divine protection over their lives and health in the name of Jesus Christ. He declared the glorification of the lives of all connected to the program and prayed that every family member would experience the grace of God and a deep revelation of the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent.
Pastor Chris also prayed for peace and prosperity across nations, calling for leaders who truly care for their people. He prayed for guidance, wisdom, and understanding for national leaders, so they may act justly and wisely for the benefit of their constituents.
If you missed the July Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, you can still enjoy the blessings by watching the rebroadcast on www.healingstreams.tv or the Healing School Mobile App.
For further information, please send an email to info@healingstreams.tv or call these numbers: +27799675852 (South Africa), +234(1)8885066 (Nigeria), +18327249390 (USA), +12896221634 (Canada), +44(0)3331880710 (UK), +919650096633 (Asia), +917794993762 (India).