Court Orders Arrest Of Wikkitimes Publisher, Haruna Mohammed Salisu

Court Orders Arrest Of WikkiTimes Publisher For Exposing Multi-Million Contract Corruption Involving House Of Reps Member, Manu Soro.

A magistrate court in Bauchi State has issued a bench warrant of arrest against Haruna Mohammed Salisu, the WikkiTimes publisher.

Salisu would be arrested for exposing how a federal lawmaker, Mansur Manu Soro, representing Darazo/Ganjuwa Federal Constituency in the Green Chamber, allegedly diverted hundreds of millions in what appears to be fraudulent contracts through his associate in Bauchi State.

Soro who initially vowed not to take any legal action against the publication backtracked.

He used his ally, Abubakar Abdullahi who is a director of Sahel Global Desert Emergy Limited, to sue WikkiTimes over the publication.

Joined in the lawsuit are Yawale Adamu (the reporter), and Haruna Salisu Mohammed, the publisher.

The court issued the warrant due to Salisu’s inability to personally appear before it.

The presiding judge noted that Salisu’s absence from court sessions necessitated the enforcement of an earlier order to arrest him. The parties in the suit had been served through substituted service.

The lawmaker who instituted the lawsuit through his surrogate claims that the WikkiTimes’ report defamed his character and damaged his personal and social life.

WikkiTimes’ counsel, Barrister Idris Safiyanu Gambo, explained that his clients were initially unaware of the lawsuit until they were served through substituted service.

Barrister Gambo contended that there was no record of attempts to serve his respondents before resorting to substituted service.

He emphasized that his clients have been complying with court dates and that he has kept the court informed about the publisher’s absence because he was out of the country since the start of the case.

Speaking to SaharaReporters on the development, Salisu denied refusing to attend court hearings, expressing surprise over the decision of the judge.

“I am aware of the bench warrant issued against me, and I respect the decision of the judge to have issued it against me. It’s within his prerogative to do so, and if in his wisdom, that is the right thing to do, I respect that.”

“In the long run, I believe justice will take its due course. Personally, I have always been committed to upholding the law and ensuring due process is followed. The warrant comes as a surprise, as I have never deliberately disregarded any court proceedings.”he told SaharaReporters

He further noted that he has told his lawyers why he has not been in the country and his legal team has presented evidences in this regard.

“I have informed my lawyer why I have not been in Nigeria for so long and my legal team has presented evidence as to why I have not been adding the court’s hearing.”

“I have never intentionally avoided any court summons. As a responsible citizen and a professional journalist, I know and appreciate why we have to adhere to legal processes.”

“I have severally attended court sittings and there is no reason whatsoever why I should avoid court summons except for the reason of my being absence in Nigeria for long. Any instances of non-compliance is due to my absence in the country.”

He also stated that there is growing hostility against the reportage of truth in Bauchi state.

“Yes, there is growing hostility towards truth-based journalism in Bauchi. Powerful individuals and and institutions view critical reportage as a threat to their interests.”

“At WikkiTimes, this is not new to us. We have been harassed repeatedly. I have to exile Nigeria to neigbouring countries because of repeated harassment and persecution.”

He however vowed that his platform will not stop holding those in power to account, regardless of the pushback they have faced.

“But despite these challenges, we are committed to holding power accountable through investigative journalism. This bench warrant appears to be part of a broader attempt to intimidate us from reporting on issues that matter to the public.”

“WE WILL NEVER BE DETERRED whatsoever. We will continue to report courageously and professionally. This incident will not deter us from our mission of transparency, accountability, and serving the public interest. It’s my firm believe that the rule of law will take its course, that will defend our right to truthful reporting.” he stated.

There has been a continued clampdown on press freedom in the country with journalists arrested, haunted and persecuted by state authorities.