PDP Blasts Gov. Nwifuru For Spending Billions Welcoming Tinubu’s Wife In Ebonyi

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Ebonyi State has berated the APC – led government of Ebonyi state over the government’s penchant for spending Ebonyi people’s money on frivolities – things that don’t matter to the Ebonyi society for now, whereas the major areas that need urgent attention have been either completely abandoned or treated with levity.

In a statement issued on behalf of the party by a social media influencer and a media consultant, Mr Nwoba Chika Nwoba said PDP has watched the government of Ebonyi State under Governor Nwifuru recently and currently spending billions on frivolous projects and the one that just took place which is the hosting of the wife of the president of Nigeria is more disturbing.

He further said PDP doesn’t have a problem with hosting the president’s wife, but with the amount of public money that was sunk into it when the people of the state groan in hunger and abject poverty.

Mr. Nwoba revealed that the government is yet to pay teachers in Ebonyi state their October salaries despite being in the middle of the month of November, 2024.

The statement reads,

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Ebonyi State uses this opportunity to berate the APC – led government of Ebonyi state over the government’s penchant for spending Ebonyi people’s money on frivolities – things that don’t matter to the Ebonyi society for now, whereas the major areas that need urgent attention have been either completely abandoned or treated with levity.”

We have watched the government recently and currently spend billions on these frivolous projects and the one that just took place which is the hosting of the wife of the president of Nigeria is more disturbing. We don’t have problem with hosting the president’s wife, but with the amount of public money that was sunk into it when the people of the state groan in hunger and abject poverty.”

“It bothers a sane mind a great deal to know that the government could recommission an airport project that had already been commissioned two years ago. Using the face of the president’s wife as a decoy to embark on the wasteful and theatric outing is what we frown at, more so as the government is yet to pay teachers in the state their October salaries yet in the middle of the month of November, 2024. This is a case of government’s inhumanity to its populace.”

“It’s on this premise and more that we urge the government to backtrack from wasteful expenditures and begin to meet the people of the state at the points of their collective needs. It’s alarming also to note that the people of Ebonyi don’t feel the impacts of government yet in the face of the fiscal abundance the government swims in. The PDP in Ebonyi is bothered about all these inglorious events taking shape in the state and charges the administration of Gov. Nwifuru to rise to the mandate of tackling the immediate needs of the state and her people in this time of great economic distress.”