Pastor Benson Offiong of the Light of Glory International Ministry, Ojota, Lagos, says God has revealed to him that political turmoil will soon engulf Akwa Ibom State because of Pastor Lawrence Achudume’s fake prophesy to Akwa Ibom State Governor, Mr Udom Emmanuel.
Addressing reporters at his International Headquarters, the Lagos based Pastor says after more than 24 hours of intense prayer, God revealed to him in a vision that except Governor Udom Emmanuel frees himself from the bondage of Pastor Lawrence Achudume’s fake prophesies, a sudden and unexpected political turmoil will happen in the State which will cause irreparable damage to lives and properties that will crash Udom’s legacies and his succession plan.
Apostle Lawrence Achudume is Senior Pastor of Victory Life Bible Church International based in Ogun State.
“I am not one of those pay and carry prophets. I am saying what God has revealed to me. Except the Governor runs away from the many fake pastors and prophets his step brother and Pastor Lawrence Achudume pays to give false prophesy on who God wants as successor, I see the Governor commiting a big blunder because of Pastor Achudume”.
“God has revealed that the Umo Eno project is a pit they have dug for the Governor to fall into. If he goes ahead with it, a political turmoil will erupt in the state at the end of an enlarged PDP caucus meeting convened by the Party which will lead to massive destruction of lives and properties. It will be a crisis that is ten times greater than what the state saw in 2011. In the vision, God revealed to me how the Governor will have to cut short an official trip outside the state to rush back to Uyo before normalcy is restored”, he said.
Pastor Offiong said, while he may not really have a big religious title to be taken seriously, Governor Udom Emmanuel should be careful of fake prophesies from Canadian, Ghananian and local pastors who are on Achudume’s payroll but take out time to go on a personal retreat and seek the face of God again.
“When I prayed and asked God to reveal to me who Governor Udom Emmanuel’s successor will be, God told me He has already revealed that to the Governor more than five times but that some people around the Governor are the ones confusing the Governor. God told me He revealed Himself to Udom and showed him who his successor will be but he has rather chosen to hear the lies of Pastor Lawrence Achudume”.
“God told me to tell Udom to be careful. Some trusted aides will betray him on Umo Eno. God has told me to tell him that he will not send any prophet to tell him who his successor will be as He has already revealed that to him (Governor Udom Emmanuel). God says I should tell the Governor to go on a private spiritual retreat and He will again speak to him, provided he travels out for this retreat without informing Pastor Achudume”, he said.
Pastor Offiong said this was the same way God sent him to warn Obong Attah in December 2006 ahead of the 2007 Governorship election. He said after God revealed to him to tell Attah that his plans to have his son in-law succeed him will not work, he (Offiong) sent a text to the Late Elder Joe Udobia who was Governor Attah’s Special Adviser on Political Affairs who ignored and mocked him for bringing spiritual matters to politics until it came to pass.
“If it is today that we have a strong social media maybe Obong Attah would have gotten my message. The Late Udobia laughed when I sent him a text of the prophesy until it was too late to reverse what was destined to happen”.
Pastor Offiong said the same Attah incidence is what is about to happen to Udom as his close aides will betray him the way they did to Attah. He told the Governor to seek the face of God more and depend less on prophesy from any man of God.
He said if the Governor ignores his warning and the violence God has shown him takes place, it will be hard for the Governor to recover from the damage that will have on his legacy and the hang over of the crisis may lead him to flee the state for his Deputy to hand over power to someone else who will be someone Udom did not want to be Governor.
He said God also reinforced the December 31, 2021 Cross Over Night prophesy given by Prophet Ekong Ituen of Christ Deliverance Ministries (CDM) who warned that Governor Udom Emmanuel should carefully and divinely seek the face of God over the choice of successor because he may not be able to sail through with his succession plan. Pastor Offiong also said God said he should tell the Governor that many advisers will tell him to dissolve the State Executive Council but that will still not be the solution to the problem but he should rather go back to what God has told him in his closet about the future of Akwa Ibom.
The Pastor said the Governor started well but the confusion around him is not ordinary so Akwa Ibom people must pray for him so that he will not make a decision that will bring shame to him and jeopardize the peace the state is enjoying. The man of God said God told him to tell Martha Emmanuel to pray hard for her husband as she has an important role to counsel the Governor on what God has revealed to her.
“I am not saying this for the Governor to come and give me anything. I do not need anything from my State Governor. I am comfortable by God’s grace. I am one person that is contented. But I have to say what God has revealed to me. If Udom allows this crisis I am seeing in this vision to come to pass in Akwa Ibom State, mark my word and write today’s date, the state will never be the same again till his last day in office and he may not have the courage to perform the handing over ceremony on May 29, 2023”, Pastor Offiong said.
The Pastor when asked by journalists if this is the only prophesy he has for the Governor said he has decided to embark on a 7-day dry fasting and during the period anything God reveals to him, he will tell the Governor as it is for the sake of Akwa Ibom State.